

Claire Bennett Update

So today marks the start of Heart Month 2023 ♥️!
Over the course of the month I will be talking about Florence’s heart condition and the journey we have been on so far with her in just 3 short months.

We found out we were pregnant early February 2022 after trying for years and all but giving up. We held off telling our family and friends until after our 12 week scan where everything looked as it should. We went into the 20 week scan not really understanding it was an anomaly scan…
When the sonographer went back to the babies heart for the 4th time, she said that she couldn’t see something so wanted to get a second opinion, the second sonographer also couldn’t see something. We then had to go for a cardiac ultrasound, we were lucky we got a cancellation appointment the same day. We banked on it just being baby was in an ‘unfavourable position’ and everything was fine. Our worst fears came true when we were told that our baby had Aortic stenosis, aortic coarctation, and a small mitral valve. The cardiac consultants, fetal medicine consultant and cardiac liaison nurse took us through everything explaining any potential interventions needed, we were crushed, we had to go through an amnio for some rare chromosome abnormalities.
We processed and picked ourselves up, preparing for the journey ahead of us. ♥️

Keepthebeat Heart LinkLittle Hearts Matter Tiny Tickers “The Tiny Hearts Charity”

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